TCI has always been about developing our national membership and growth of OPDs of persons with psychosocial disabilities. TCI has supported the development and capacity building of a number of OPDs since inception, across global south regions. TCI has created and tested several program instruments to build the capacity of its national, individual and organizational members. TCI has designed its programs in a way to strengthen the national OPD networks for advocacy, movement building and inclusion in various national policies and programs.

Capacity Building of OPDs through TCI Programs TCI Plenary Meetings Sub Regional Meetings Fellowships OPD Support Grants & Microgrants Country Missions

Our Work Area


Community Inclusion

National SITAN's Conducted by Members

TCI #WhatWENeed Campaign



Access to Justice

Legal Capacity

Inclusion in Decision Making and Political Participation

Work, Employment & Livelihood

Our Identity as Persons with Psychosocial Disabilities

Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights

COVID-19, and Disaster Risk Reduction

Capacity Building and CRPD Trainings

Gender and Women with Psychosocial Disabilities

Empowering Youth with Psychosocial Disabilities

Advocacy against Mental Health Laws and other Incapacity Laws

Community Support System

Access to Community Services and Mainstream Services