TCI organized a members induction webinar to welcome its new members. The webinar was an opportunity for new members to learn about TCI works and interact with leading members of TCI to learn about their advocacy works.

We thank our new members who joined the webinar and express our gratitude to the speakers who shared their advocacy journeys by providing insights into their national-level advocacy efforts to promote inclusive communities and the rights of persons with psychosocial disabilities.

The webinar covered the following discussions:

  • An overview of TCI’s collaboration with national member organizations and how TCI Programs support the National initiatives of its members
  • Member OPDs shared how TCI has facilitated the organizational development and in what ways TCI has contributed to lead national advocacy by member OPDs and supported initiatives on Community Inclusion and De-institutionalization
  • The integration and use of TCI Declarations for enhancing national advocacy initiatives. Read more on the Bali Declaration and the Addis Declaration.
  • TCI’s initiative of Capsule learning sessions to build the capacity of members on various thematics: You can suggest topics for Capsule learning sessions here:
  • TCI Secretariat shared the results of the Survey on the Situation of Persons with Psychosocial Disabilities in Institutions. You can access the short report on the survey here: