IMHA in partnership with TCI, Human Rights Watch and DRF/DRAF is organizing a seminar to mark the International Day of Support for Victims of Torture.
Hidden Torture
Institutionalization of Persons with Psychosocial Disabilities in Indonesia
The main objectives of the webinar are to
a) Analyze the situation of institutions for persons with psychosocial disabilities from the perspective of the Convention Against Torture;
b) Mainstreaming theissue of torture of persons with psychosocial disabilities in institutions among national and international human rights activists and organizations, to gain more support from human rights activities communities both in nationally and internationally to advocate against institutionalization and
c) Dissecting the obligations of the State under the Convention Against Torture in relation to the situation of persons with psychosocial disabilities in institutions. We call upon State Parties, UN bodies, policy makers, human rights organizations, movements of persons with psychosocial disabilities and cross disability organizations to come together and discuss the linkages between torture and forced institutionalization.
Registration for the webinar is not required; you can easily access it by clicking here: