Capacity Building on DI Guidelines Facilitated by TCI
- JNGMDP worked with their peers and prepared feedback and completed the process of submission to the CRPD committee
- Bapu Trust (TCI member), India, organized a consultative meeting on the DI guidelines.
- CIC-K (TCI member), Kenya, organized a focus group discussion to prepare feedback on the DI guidelines and make a submission to the CRPD committee.
- Ya_All (TCI member), India, organized a one-day consultative workshop to prepare feedback on the draft DI guidelines.
- IMHA (TCI member), Indonesia, organized a national level consolidation meeting and workshop to provide input on the draft of guidelines on deinstitutionalization for persons with disabilities. disabilities, including in emergency situations.
- REMISI, an organization of youth with psychosocial disabilities, Indonesia, completed a thorough review of the draft guidelines with their peers and submitted feedback to the CRPD committee.
- The Red Door (TCI member), India completed a series of consultation meetings to take feedback on the draft guidelines on DI.
- The feedback was compiled and a brief submission was made to the CRPD committee. UNSAI organized a consultative webinar (co-moderated by TCI) on DI guidelines. TCI also mobilized its members from Uganda to attend the webinar.
- UNSAI (TCI member), Uganda organized a one day in person focus group discussion which included persons with psychosocial disabilities including survivors of institutions on discussion DI guidelines.
- A capacity building session on community inclusion and deinstitutionalization was organized and led by TCI in the BRIDGE training (Southern Sub Saharan Africa) in July 2022.
- TCI Sub Regional meeting was organized for East Africa members. A two day capacity building workshop was conducted towards refreshing the movement in East Africa and sensitizing the African members on deinstitutionalization.

Translations of the De-institutionalization Guidelines
- Japan National Group of Mentally Disabled People (TCI member) were supported to procure translation software for one year. The group translated the guidelines for wider dissemination.
- Taiwan Mad Alliance (TCI member) also translated the DI guidelines for using it for advocacy with their members and various stakeholders.
- Bapu Trust, India, was supported to translate the draft guidelines into Marathi (local language spoken in the community) and was shared widely, along with the English version, and among the networks.

Advocacy on De-institutionalization Guidelines
- TCI, co-organized a panel on deinstitutionalization at the Civil Society Forum, held under the aegis of COSP 15 with speakers from GCDI and others. The panel was held virtually on June 13th, 2022. It was attended by various State Parties, funders, INGOs, cross disability movement, persons without disabilities, TCI members, networks, partners, persons with psychosocial disabilities, cross disability movement, multi stakeholders etc.
- TCI, participated in a webinar (March 2022) on deinstitutionalization organized by ENIL-ECCL where Bapu Trust’s Going Home project was presented as a case study on DI. The webinar was held on March 8, 2022. It was attended by various TCI members, networks, partners, persons with psychosocial disabilities, cross disability movement, multi stakeholders including funders, INGOs, prospective members from the Global North, government representatives etc.
- During COSP 15, TCI also partnered with CHRUSP and Validity Foundation on a side event during COSP 15 on “Remedy and Reparation for institutionalization” taking reference of the draft Guidelines. It was held virtually on June 14, 2022. It was attended by various State Parties, funders, INGOs, cross disability movement, persons without disabilities, TCI members, networks, partners, persons with psychosocial disabilities, cross disability movement, multi stakeholders etc.
- Movement building hybrid side event was organized during the ESCAP meeting by IMHA in partnership with TCI in Jakarta, Indonesia
- TCI was invited to give a speech at the closing session (27th session of the CRPD committee to welcome the adoption of the guidelines.
- IMHA organized a hybrid side event on Deinstitutionalization to highlight the issues of persons with psychosocial disabilities living in South Asia, South East Asia, East Asia and the Pacific region along with promoting the D guidelines to guide key actions.
- TCI launched a youth platform for young persons with psychosocial disabilities during which DI was taken as one of the important and core topics of the webinar.
- TCI, spoke on deinstitutionalization during a side event by Pacific Disability Forum (PDF).
- TCI formally submitted a response to a report on “Re-Imagining Services in the 21st Century to give effect to the right to live independently and be included in the community for persons with disabilities” to the office of Prof. Gerard Quinn, UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
- TCI organized and conducted an exchange visit of its members in Jakarta to learn and exchange on community inclusion. TCI facilitated its founding member, Bapu Trust, to draw indicators related to the prevention of institutionalization, deinstitutionalization and inclusion in the community and these were then presented to the other members during the visit.
- Preparation and making a statement to be read as expert witness before the Indonesian Constitutional court on repeal of guardianship laws facilitated by IMHA.